Today, as you know I've been doing some twilight things :L
Later on today some family friends are coming over. Toby, Nicola and their dogs Bob and Sid. Oh how Toby and Nicola make me laugh haha. Neil, my mums boyfriend is coming too :)
Tomorrow i need to pack! I'm going to the New Forrest in the caravan. God knows how we are gunna fit everyone in! There's Me, Jodie, Mum, Bethany, Holly, Mikey, the two dogs and maybe Neil for one night. So that's gunna be fun!
Not much else going on apart from that this half term. Oh before I forget here are some songs for you :)
Train- Soul Sister
Chris Brown- Thrown
David Jordan- Sun goes down <<> song! haha
:) xxx
Saturday, 29 May 2010
What if I'm not the hero? What if im the bad guy?
Okay so you may be thinking why the hell is this post called that^^
If your a twilight fan then you'll probably get it but if your not then its a quote from the film twilight. Today I'm having a bit of a twilight day. I'm kinda rediscovering my twilight love. So far today I have watched twilight and read lots of new moon and now, while I'm writing this, I'm listening/watching the twilight commentary of the DVD. R-Patz you crack me haha :L
A little while ago I tried to watch Sweeney Todd with my friends Ellie and Chloe but we chickened out. We couldn't even watch the opening credits because we were scared :L but last night I made myself watch it and Ive got to be honest, it was a load of shit! When they slit the throats the blood squirts about a mile, it was so fake so now I feel like a bit of an idiot for being scared of it :L xxx
If your a twilight fan then you'll probably get it but if your not then its a quote from the film twilight. Today I'm having a bit of a twilight day. I'm kinda rediscovering my twilight love. So far today I have watched twilight and read lots of new moon and now, while I'm writing this, I'm listening/watching the twilight commentary of the DVD. R-Patz you crack me haha :L
A little while ago I tried to watch Sweeney Todd with my friends Ellie and Chloe but we chickened out. We couldn't even watch the opening credits because we were scared :L but last night I made myself watch it and Ive got to be honest, it was a load of shit! When they slit the throats the blood squirts about a mile, it was so fake so now I feel like a bit of an idiot for being scared of it :L xxx
Saturday, 22 May 2010
I can transform ya ;)
Hey Everyone!
Yet again I am having a really boring day today. It's so nice and sunny but I'm sat inside. Everyone seems to do stuff on days like these and I'm always at home.
Today I have had such a bad day its ridiculous. A wasp flew in my face twice and then there was one in my house and a spider fell on my head! (I'm scared of spiders and wasps btw) I stubbed my toe and it now how a bruise on it, I have a really sore throat and a cough. oOh and to make it all worse, my mouth is killing me cos i got my brace yesterday. I hate it with passion!
But on a happier note, (a much much much happier note!) I have amazing news. I'm going to see Chris Brown in London in just 23 days! I'm so excited! I'm going with Jodie and its gunna be so amazing! I swear there isn't one song of his that i don't like! I love them all and he is SO hot! So excited for that so will keep you updated :)
I don't think there's much else to talk about today? I have to go on a walk with my dad tomorrow, eurgh I hate walking!
Oh yeah before i forget, here are some amazing songs for you all. Oh and i couldn't chose between some so i put the whole albums down because i absolutely love them!
Chris Brown- Graffiti
Chris Brown- Exclusive The Forever Addition
Justin Bieber- My Worlds
Pixie Lott- Turn It Up
Roll Deep- Good Time
Jason Derulo- Ridin' Solo
enjoy :) xxx
Yet again I am having a really boring day today. It's so nice and sunny but I'm sat inside. Everyone seems to do stuff on days like these and I'm always at home.
Today I have had such a bad day its ridiculous. A wasp flew in my face twice and then there was one in my house and a spider fell on my head! (I'm scared of spiders and wasps btw) I stubbed my toe and it now how a bruise on it, I have a really sore throat and a cough. oOh and to make it all worse, my mouth is killing me cos i got my brace yesterday. I hate it with passion!
But on a happier note, (a much much much happier note!) I have amazing news. I'm going to see Chris Brown in London in just 23 days! I'm so excited! I'm going with Jodie and its gunna be so amazing! I swear there isn't one song of his that i don't like! I love them all and he is SO hot! So excited for that so will keep you updated :)
I don't think there's much else to talk about today? I have to go on a walk with my dad tomorrow, eurgh I hate walking!
Oh yeah before i forget, here are some amazing songs for you all. Oh and i couldn't chose between some so i put the whole albums down because i absolutely love them!
Chris Brown- Graffiti
Chris Brown- Exclusive The Forever Addition
Justin Bieber- My Worlds
Pixie Lott- Turn It Up
Roll Deep- Good Time
Jason Derulo- Ridin' Solo
enjoy :) xxx
Saturday, 15 May 2010
a bit OTT...
I've go to admit, now probably isn't the best time to blog cos I'm not in a very good mood. I'm not sure why, just feeling a bit down about everything :/ x
but oh well, life goes on. so so does mine x
okay so, yesterday was 'Super Learning Day' at school. Haven't really realised (until now) what a cheesy crap name that is haha but oh well.
So it was like a business day, so i went into school all dressed up as a business woman, black high waisted skirt and white shirt. And i got there all excited, thought it was going to be a really good day but tbh i thought it was a bit crap. I had a bad headache by the end of the day cos everyone was getting really stressed which stressed me out as well. My team got abit annoyed with some of the other teams at first cos of how seriously they were taking it (someone turned up in a suit, heels, red lipstick and briefcase. a bit OTT) but by the end of the day we were just laughing at them. So overall i had kind of a good day but didn't really enjoy it.
I went to Jodie's after which, as usual, was absolutely hysterical. We took some hysterical pictures and once again spent most of the time in a laughing fit. oh i do love that girl i do ;)
so today i got back from Jodie's and i have done literally nothing. Ive just been in bed cos I'm not feeling that great but i want to be better for tomorrow.
So that's all for today. oh apart from the songs you should check out. theres quite a few today!you know you want to ;)
Justin Bieber- That Should Be Me
Justin Bieber- Overboard
Train- Soul Sister
Chris Brown- Lucky Me
Rihanna- Te Amo (which means I Love You in Spanish haha ;) )
Alicia Keys- Try Sleeping With Broken Heart
theres more but i will tell you them another time
enjoy them they are gooooood
byeee xx
I've go to admit, now probably isn't the best time to blog cos I'm not in a very good mood. I'm not sure why, just feeling a bit down about everything :/ x
but oh well, life goes on. so so does mine x
okay so, yesterday was 'Super Learning Day' at school. Haven't really realised (until now) what a cheesy crap name that is haha but oh well.
So it was like a business day, so i went into school all dressed up as a business woman, black high waisted skirt and white shirt. And i got there all excited, thought it was going to be a really good day but tbh i thought it was a bit crap. I had a bad headache by the end of the day cos everyone was getting really stressed which stressed me out as well. My team got abit annoyed with some of the other teams at first cos of how seriously they were taking it (someone turned up in a suit, heels, red lipstick and briefcase. a bit OTT) but by the end of the day we were just laughing at them. So overall i had kind of a good day but didn't really enjoy it.
I went to Jodie's after which, as usual, was absolutely hysterical. We took some hysterical pictures and once again spent most of the time in a laughing fit. oh i do love that girl i do ;)
so today i got back from Jodie's and i have done literally nothing. Ive just been in bed cos I'm not feeling that great but i want to be better for tomorrow.
So that's all for today. oh apart from the songs you should check out. theres quite a few today!you know you want to ;)
Justin Bieber- That Should Be Me
Justin Bieber- Overboard
Train- Soul Sister
Chris Brown- Lucky Me
Rihanna- Te Amo (which means I Love You in Spanish haha ;) )
Alicia Keys- Try Sleeping With Broken Heart
theres more but i will tell you them another time
enjoy them they are gooooood
byeee xx
Monday, 3 May 2010
Today is bank holiday and yes, I'm am sat at home on the laptop. I wish I could tell you that I'm out with all my friends on the beach or something but I'm not. Instead I am sat here in the armchair in my lounge writing this. I'm meant to be revising but to be perfectly honest, does anyone really expect a 14 year old to revise for a maths test? nope didn't think so.
So i promised myself this morning that today I would revise, clean my room, have a shower, load the dishwasher and re-arrange my room.
So far i have done 1 of those things and its already 1:15! I have had a shower this morning and I am actually dressed which is odd cos on lazy days like this I'm usually in my pyjamas.
So today, instead of revising and cleaning my room or being out with my friends, I'm on my laptop watching music channels on TV.
Well that's enough about how boring my day is.
Yesterday I was just browsing YouTube and I came across the name Mike Hough. I'd heard the name before because loads of my followers on twitter love him. So I thought I would check him out and I absolutely LOVE him now. He is soo talented and such a nice guy. I even got a reply from him on twitter which made me very happy. So I think you should all check him out :)
I must be off but before I go...
here are some songs which you definitely need to check out :)
Iyaz- Solo
Jason Derulo- Solo
Tinie Tempah-Frisky
enjoyy xx
Today is bank holiday and yes, I'm am sat at home on the laptop. I wish I could tell you that I'm out with all my friends on the beach or something but I'm not. Instead I am sat here in the armchair in my lounge writing this. I'm meant to be revising but to be perfectly honest, does anyone really expect a 14 year old to revise for a maths test? nope didn't think so.
So i promised myself this morning that today I would revise, clean my room, have a shower, load the dishwasher and re-arrange my room.
So far i have done 1 of those things and its already 1:15! I have had a shower this morning and I am actually dressed which is odd cos on lazy days like this I'm usually in my pyjamas.
So today, instead of revising and cleaning my room or being out with my friends, I'm on my laptop watching music channels on TV.
Well that's enough about how boring my day is.
Yesterday I was just browsing YouTube and I came across the name Mike Hough. I'd heard the name before because loads of my followers on twitter love him. So I thought I would check him out and I absolutely LOVE him now. He is soo talented and such a nice guy. I even got a reply from him on twitter which made me very happy. So I think you should all check him out :)
I must be off but before I go...
here are some songs which you definitely need to check out :)
Iyaz- Solo
Jason Derulo- Solo
Tinie Tempah-Frisky
enjoyy xx
Sunday, 25 April 2010
The Good Times x
hello again everyone :)
well actually, I'm not sure why i said everyone cos the only people following me and 2 of my friends ha ha. so thank you very much to Atlanta Cobb and Chloe Brooker for that ;)
so basically after reading some more blogs i have decided I'm gunna use mine a bit more now :)
so i thought today, i would tell you abit about some of the best times/days/moments of my life :)
First of all would have to say my Dad's wedding. and i know what your all thinking. 'oh god cheesy bit coming up' but i don't care. It was such an amazing day, i cried a bit, laughed a bit, and danced ALOT! all my cousins were there, aunties, uncles, nans, grandads, my sisters, 2 of my step brothers, and of course, my dad and step-mum Claire. (here comes the cheese) i love you all so much, i couldn't live without you
Another AMAZING day would definitely have to be 29th November 2009. The day i went to London with Atlanta, Jodie and Fern to T4 Stars of 2009! It was actually an amaaazing day! We got chosen for this fake audience thing, Florence from Florence and the Machine walked right next to me and we got a picture taken with Jameela Jamil, the T4 presenter.

She was so nice and her jumper was SOOO soft! ha ha Later on i met Steve Jones the T4 presenter, i spoke to Gok Wan and he touched my arm ;) got really close to the cast of the inbetweeners and Peter Andre was bombarded by my friend Jodie ha ha. and then the best part of the whole day.... I GOT SO CLOSE TO JLS! Oritse was right in front of me and he said hey to me.

And i reached forward and stroked Aston's back and he turned, waved and said hey but then this security guard practically picked me up and moved me out the way ha ha. such a good day, loved it!
And then the last one I'm going to talk about is 9th February 2010. The day me and Fern went to the JLS Theatre Tour! it was sooo amazing! all the boys waved at some point and when they sung 'Close To You' Aston pointed at me and Fern and sang to us. I was soo happy!
And the dates to look forward to this year for me..
The Chipmunk Shine Shine Tour- 15/07/2010
My Cousins wedding- 11/07/2010
T4 Stars of 2010- no date yet
JLS Arena Tour- 10/12/2010
so a busy year! of course i will be blogging about them ;)
oh btw i think you should all listen to
OMG- Usher
Until You Were Gone- Chipmunk ft. Esme Denters
because they are AMAZING songs!
well thats it for now, byeee xxx
well actually, I'm not sure why i said everyone cos the only people following me and 2 of my friends ha ha. so thank you very much to Atlanta Cobb and Chloe Brooker for that ;)
so basically after reading some more blogs i have decided I'm gunna use mine a bit more now :)
so i thought today, i would tell you abit about some of the best times/days/moments of my life :)
First of all would have to say my Dad's wedding. and i know what your all thinking. 'oh god cheesy bit coming up' but i don't care. It was such an amazing day, i cried a bit, laughed a bit, and danced ALOT! all my cousins were there, aunties, uncles, nans, grandads, my sisters, 2 of my step brothers, and of course, my dad and step-mum Claire. (here comes the cheese) i love you all so much, i couldn't live without you
Another AMAZING day would definitely have to be 29th November 2009. The day i went to London with Atlanta, Jodie and Fern to T4 Stars of 2009! It was actually an amaaazing day! We got chosen for this fake audience thing, Florence from Florence and the Machine walked right next to me and we got a picture taken with Jameela Jamil, the T4 presenter.

She was so nice and her jumper was SOOO soft! ha ha Later on i met Steve Jones the T4 presenter, i spoke to Gok Wan and he touched my arm ;) got really close to the cast of the inbetweeners and Peter Andre was bombarded by my friend Jodie ha ha. and then the best part of the whole day.... I GOT SO CLOSE TO JLS! Oritse was right in front of me and he said hey to me.

And i reached forward and stroked Aston's back and he turned, waved and said hey but then this security guard practically picked me up and moved me out the way ha ha. such a good day, loved it!
And then the last one I'm going to talk about is 9th February 2010. The day me and Fern went to the JLS Theatre Tour! it was sooo amazing! all the boys waved at some point and when they sung 'Close To You' Aston pointed at me and Fern and sang to us. I was soo happy!
And the dates to look forward to this year for me..
The Chipmunk Shine Shine Tour- 15/07/2010
My Cousins wedding- 11/07/2010
T4 Stars of 2010- no date yet
JLS Arena Tour- 10/12/2010
so a busy year! of course i will be blogging about them ;)
oh btw i think you should all listen to
OMG- Usher
Until You Were Gone- Chipmunk ft. Esme Denters
because they are AMAZING songs!
well thats it for now, byeee xxx
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
'Like a River' as Lan would say!
Hello Everyone ;)
havnt spoken in a while! well just to fill you in..
the last 2 weeks i was on easter holidays from school :) was grounded the first week (long story) and then second week i went on holiday to the new forest with my friend chloe, mum, sister and two dogs :)
im back at school now though.
Today, after school, i went to the cinema with some of my friends and saw Dear John. It is such a good film but sooo sad! I was like a river! I was crying in the first 5 minutes and i literally didnt stop! I was crying like 15 minutes after the film had finished. I actually cried more at Dear John than did Titanic! And for any of you that have seen Titanic, that is saying something!
well thats all for now folks ;)
ta raaa x
havnt spoken in a while! well just to fill you in..
the last 2 weeks i was on easter holidays from school :) was grounded the first week (long story) and then second week i went on holiday to the new forest with my friend chloe, mum, sister and two dogs :)
im back at school now though.
Today, after school, i went to the cinema with some of my friends and saw Dear John. It is such a good film but sooo sad! I was like a river! I was crying in the first 5 minutes and i literally didnt stop! I was crying like 15 minutes after the film had finished. I actually cried more at Dear John than did Titanic! And for any of you that have seen Titanic, that is saying something!
well thats all for now folks ;)
ta raaa x
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Hello :)
Hello Everyone,
so i just made my account and this is my first blog. I'm quite excited about it. I've always wanted to write my own blog. I like reading other peoples so i decided today that i would start my own one.
I named my blog 'The Life of The Average' because thats what i am. Just an average teenage girl. Nothing special, just me.
So my blog is going to be about my everyday life. Out with my friends, school, family events, concerts.
Okay so now I'm going to tell you a bit about myself :)
My name is Lucy and im 14. I live with my mum, sisters and dogs :)
I have quite a big obsession with JLS which you will probably discover just how big if you carry on reading my blog but dont worry. I wont go on about them all the time!
My hobbies: Well my favourite hobbie is going to concerts but thats a bit expensive. i dont really have many other hobbies but i spend my weekends out with my friends in town or at the beach at this time of year.
so thats all for today :)
byeee xx
so i just made my account and this is my first blog. I'm quite excited about it. I've always wanted to write my own blog. I like reading other peoples so i decided today that i would start my own one.
I named my blog 'The Life of The Average' because thats what i am. Just an average teenage girl. Nothing special, just me.
So my blog is going to be about my everyday life. Out with my friends, school, family events, concerts.
Okay so now I'm going to tell you a bit about myself :)
My name is Lucy and im 14. I live with my mum, sisters and dogs :)
I have quite a big obsession with JLS which you will probably discover just how big if you carry on reading my blog but dont worry. I wont go on about them all the time!
My hobbies: Well my favourite hobbie is going to concerts but thats a bit expensive. i dont really have many other hobbies but i spend my weekends out with my friends in town or at the beach at this time of year.
so thats all for today :)
byeee xx
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