Friends, Music, Family, Life. x

Saturday, 29 May 2010

What if I'm not the hero? What if im the bad guy?

Okay so you may be thinking why the hell is this post called that^^
If your a twilight fan then you'll probably get it but if your not then its a quote from the film twilight. Today I'm having a bit of a twilight day. I'm kinda rediscovering my twilight love. So far today I have watched twilight and read lots of new moon and now, while I'm writing this, I'm listening/watching the twilight commentary of the DVD. R-Patz you crack me haha :L

A little while ago I tried to watch Sweeney Todd with my friends Ellie and Chloe but we chickened out. We couldn't even watch the opening credits because we were scared :L but last night I made myself watch it and Ive got to be honest, it was a load of shit! When they slit the throats the blood squirts about a mile, it was so fake so now I feel like a bit of an idiot for being scared of it :L xxx

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