well actually, I'm not sure why i said everyone cos the only people following me and 2 of my friends ha ha. so thank you very much to Atlanta Cobb and Chloe Brooker for that ;)
so basically after reading some more blogs i have decided I'm gunna use mine a bit more now :)
so i thought today, i would tell you abit about some of the best times/days/moments of my life :)
First of all would have to say my Dad's wedding. and i know what your all thinking. 'oh god cheesy bit coming up' but i don't care. It was such an amazing day, i cried a bit, laughed a bit, and danced ALOT! all my cousins were there, aunties, uncles, nans, grandads, my sisters, 2 of my step brothers, and of course, my dad and step-mum Claire. (here comes the cheese) i love you all so much, i couldn't live without you
Another AMAZING day would definitely have to be 29th November 2009. The day i went to London with Atlanta, Jodie and Fern to T4 Stars of 2009! It was actually an amaaazing day! We got chosen for this fake audience thing, Florence from Florence and the Machine walked right next to me and we got a picture taken with Jameela Jamil, the T4 presenter.

She was so nice and her jumper was SOOO soft! ha ha Later on i met Steve Jones the T4 presenter, i spoke to Gok Wan and he touched my arm ;) got really close to the cast of the inbetweeners and Peter Andre was bombarded by my friend Jodie ha ha. and then the best part of the whole day.... I GOT SO CLOSE TO JLS! Oritse was right in front of me and he said hey to me.

And i reached forward and stroked Aston's back and he turned, waved and said hey but then this security guard practically picked me up and moved me out the way ha ha. such a good day, loved it!
And then the last one I'm going to talk about is 9th February 2010. The day me and Fern went to the JLS Theatre Tour! it was sooo amazing! all the boys waved at some point and when they sung 'Close To You' Aston pointed at me and Fern and sang to us. I was soo happy!
And the dates to look forward to this year for me..
The Chipmunk Shine Shine Tour- 15/07/2010
My Cousins wedding- 11/07/2010
T4 Stars of 2010- no date yet
JLS Arena Tour- 10/12/2010
so a busy year! of course i will be blogging about them ;)
oh btw i think you should all listen to
OMG- Usher
Until You Were Gone- Chipmunk ft. Esme Denters
because they are AMAZING songs!
well thats it for now, byeee xxx
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